A conference on “Green transition and sustainable mobility” will be held on 16th and 17th May in Lanciano (CH) at the new campus of the Environmental and Energy Law Degree Course of the University of Teramo’s Department of Law. The event is organized by Prof. Enzo Di Salvatore, dean of the course and director of the research center “Green transition, sustainability and global challenges”, and will include scientific lectures given by invited young researchers and Ph.D. students from all over Italy.

The conference is structured into three panels that will investigate the multilevel governance of the green transition (international, European, national and regional levels), the role of sustainable mobility and its multilevel dimension. Moreover, the scientific committee has planned the publication of the papers for the year 2025.

The conference is organized within the framework of the PRIN 2022 “Territorial Disparities and NRRP: the Development of National Reforms and Regional Policies in the Light of the Next Generation EU” – Work Package n. 2 (University of Teramo) and is funded by the European Union – Next Generation EU. The initiative is part of the activities of the School of higher education in research of the University of Teramo and of the Project “Innovation, digitalization and sustainability for the diffused economy in Central Italy – VITALITY – Project Code: ECS000041”

Locandina Convegno PRIN Transizione ecologica e mobilità sostenibile_DEF (2)